Sinhala Language and Culture Resources
Dictionaries, Encyclopedias & Digital Libraries
- Kapruka
English-Sinhala one-way dictionary with corresponding sound files
- Sinhala Basic Course Vol. 1, 2, and 3 (pdf)
Sinhala writing and grammar in 3 volumes - Peace Corps Sinhala Language Trainer's Manual (pdf)
- Sidath sangarawa
Free Google book explaining Sinhalese grammar
- Mylanguages.org - Sinhala
Free vocabulary lessons by topic or word category
Reading & Writing
- Omniglot
Introduction to the Sinhala script
Listening & Speaking
- The South Asian Literary Recording Project
Audio recordings of Sri Lankan authors reading selections of their work
Online Course Materials
- Sinhala
Free online lessons for beginners - Foreign Service Institute Sinhala Basic Course
Links to downloadable texts
News & Media
- Lankadeepa
Newspaper in Sinhala - BBC Sinhala
News from Sri Lanka
Arts, Films, & Music
- InfoLanka
Extensive reference list of websites related to Sinhalese culture