BTAA CourseShare
Language courses taught at other Big Ten Academic Alliance institutions are available for UI students to take for credit online. Students register for these courses just like regular courses. Grades and credits are reported on the student’s home university transcript. There are no additional fees. For more information on this program, click the link below or contact CLCL Director Claire Frances (
Language Exchange
Two language exchange programs are available through the CLCL. Campus Conversation Partners (CCP) and the Language Hub program are both programs that foster cultural exchange, help international participants acclimate to U.S. culture, and create opportunities for meaningful friendships. CCP focuses on English-language learners while the Language Hub caters to all speakers of all languages. See below for sign-up information.
Does CourseShare fulfill the World Language Requirement?
No. Unfortunately, at this time, CourseShare courses do not fulfill the College's World Language Requirement.
How and when do I connect with the CourseShare instructor?
You will initially work with the course instructor to determine whether you're in the right level. If there are concerns at this time, those will be addressed. Shortly before the CourseShare course begins, registered students will receive an e-mail from the allied university (often from the registrar's office) about the process for accessing course resources, including the course site.
Where can I access space and technology on campus?
If you need a place to attend courses or technology to help you complete coursework, the CLCL has various spaces that are available for student use. In particular, we recommend the CLCL study rooms. These rooms can be booked regularly throughout the semester for online courses.
What is Campus Conversation Partners and how can I sign up?
The Campus Conversation Partners (CCP) program pairs University students, faculty, and staff looking to improve their English with English-speaking faculty and staff for informal, one-on-one conversation.
Who can participate?
- English-speakers: Any faculty or staff member may apply, including any students employed by the University.
- English as an Additional Language (EAL) participants: Any students, faculty, or staff seeking to practice their English are eligible.
If you are looking to practice other languages besides English, see the Language Hub program below.
How do I join?
- Sign up! Complete this simple intake form by February 12th, 2025.
- Get matched! Participants are paired based on availability, with matches shared within one week of the sign-up deadline.
- Connect! Once matched, you can reach out to your partner and schedule your first meeting.
NOTE: Please do not request to be partnered with someone from a specific country or language. We are unable to meet these requests.
What is the Language Hub and how can I sign up?
The Language Hub is a program that brings together participants for language conversational exchange. Designed to foster mutual language practice, the program connects individuals looking to improve their skills in a target language while offering their language expertise in return. Whether you're brushing up on a second language or diving into a new one, the Language Hub creates a collaborative and engaging environment for language learning.
Who can participate?
- Anyone who is interested in practicing their skills in another language and helping others practice theirs can apply. While applicants can specify English as a language to practice, this program, unlike Campus Conversation Partners, is not English-specific.
How do I join?
- Sign up! Complete this simple intake form during the first three weeks of the semester.
- Get matched! Participants are paired based on language and proficiency level to the extent possible.
- Connect! Once matched, you can reach out to your partner and schedule your first meeting.
Is there any guidance on being a good conversation partner?
Talking with someone new can be difficult and/or awkward. If you are having trouble getting started or just want to be able to prepare for your first couple meetings a bit, take a look at our Guide for Conversation Partners. It includes meeting tips, conversation topics, and etiquette suggestions.
Mango Languages
Mango Languages is an interactive online resource providing audio tutorials to practice reading, listening, and speaking in over 70 different languages, including specialty courses like medical Spanish. You can gain free access to this language-learning platform with a public library card –from the Iowa City Public Library or often your hometown– so go get a library card today! Afterwards, you can log in here with your ICPL card!
Directed Independent Language Study
The CLCL can hire native speakers for private lessons. These speakers are not trained tutors and so work with them is largely driven by the student themselves. To that end, the CLCL maintains a page with resources for independent language learnings. You can find anything from dictionaries to online courses to cultural information for more than 70 languages. If you are interested in private lessons, e-mail the CLCL (
Can I receive University credit for completing a Mango course?
No. Unfortunately, Mango courses are not affiliated with the University and are solely meant for independent study. Therefore, they cannot be used to gain University credit.
Where can I work on a Mango course that I've decided to pursue?
Mango courses are online resources so they can be completed anywhere. However, the CLCL is a great place to study and has various spaces available for study use. We often recommend the CLCL study rooms because they can be booked regularly throughout the semester and are quiet places to focus.
Who teaches these courses and are there additional resources?
Mango courses are used for independent language learning and, as such, there is no teacher. However, if you're struggling, the CLCL might be able to get access to resources or native speakers to help you. Consider the Directed Independent Language study option (on this page) or consult our page of language learning resources.
Can I get University credit for private lessons?
No. Unfortunately, native speakers hired through the CLCL are solely meant for independent study. Therefore, they cannot be used to gain University credit.
Where do the private tutor and I meet?
Private lessons can be conducted wherever you and the native speaker decide. However, the CLCL is a great place to meet and has various spaces available. We often recommend the CLCL study rooms because they can be booked regularly throughout the semester and are often quiet.
How was my private tutor trained before working with me?
The CLCL puts out an on-campus ad to see if any native speakers want to work with you to practice language skills. We cannot guarantee this will be a skilled language instructor or tutor. This is meant to be a way to assist your independent language learning. If you are interested in taking a course with a skilled instructor, consider the BTAA CourseShare (on this page).