Claire Frances, M.A., French Literature

Instructional Services Director

Claire holds a Master's degree in French Literature from Washington University. She taught writing and French for many years before becoming the Director of the CLCL in 2019. Her interests include learning space design, instructional technologies, and peer education. She is working on developing opportunities for teaching and learning language and culture through cooking as well as incorporating the Global Seal of Biliteracy to help students earn a credential for their language learning. She founded Iowa Intersections, a multilingual community-based digital storytelling project. She is also the President of the Midwest Association of Language Learning and Technology (MWALLT). 


  • designs, develops, directs, and coordinates resources, programs, facilities, and services in the CLCL
  • collaborates with faculty, deans, campus service providers, and administrators to enhance teaching and learning
  • designs and coordinates programs, services, policies, and strategic and tactical plans that contribute to academic success, including peer tutors, student ambassadors, and community internships
  • writes grants to advocate for necessary funding to meet program goals
  • provides support to Arabic, French, German, and Italian
  • co-manages Culture Bites Café
  • oversees community engagement initiatives
  • oversees graduate students
  • provides placement testing support
  • oversees the Campus Conversation Partners program
  • manages English Language Center scheduling
Claire Frances
Contact Information

Claire Frances
116B Phillips Hall
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States