Kannada Language and Culture Resources
Dictionaries, Encyclopedias & Digital Libraries
- Encyclopedia Britannica
General information about Kannada, its history and speakers
- Kannada Grammar
Basic overview of Kannada language with sound files - Kannada Parts of Speech
- Language Manual: Kannada
- Wikitravel Phrasebook
Helpful phrases for travel - iLanguages.org
Includes vocabulary, phrases, grammar, and flashcards - Kannada language
Basic vocabulary lessons - Learn Spoken Kannada
- Kannada Vocabulary on Pinterest
Reading & Writing
- Omniglot
Introduction to the Kannada writing system - Kannada Alphabet
- Children's Books in Kannada
- Kannada Song Lyrics
Listening & Speaking
Online Course Materials
- Central Institute of Indian Languages
- Spoken Kannada: Preliminary Lessons
- Learn Kannada
- Free Kannada Language Learning Apps for Android
News & Media
- Mondotimes
Local news in Kannada - Karnataka.com
Media resources in English and Kannada for Karnataka - Sumanasa
Arts, Films, & Music
- Smash Hits
Online index for movie soundtracks in Kannada - Mysore on Wikipedia
- Mysore - City of Palaces: Travel Guide
- Mysore City Guide
- The Hindi: Kannadiga
- The Kannada people
- Twitter: Kannada Films
- Kannada Cinema