The CLCL offers supplemental language education to students and support for faculty. It is important that faculty know about our resources not only to recommend to students, but also to take advantage of CLCL staff's expertise.

Student Learning Resources

The CLCL offers students various resources to further their language and culture education. A main way that students can learn about these resources is through faculty. Many courses require or offer credit for things like tutoring and the CLCL is always looking for faculty-recommended students to serve in the Student Ambassador Program. For more information about student education resources in the CLCL, click the link below.

Instructional Design

CLCL staff have strong backgrounds in instructional design. In particular, we can assist in generating ideas to implement a specific technology or we can research programs to carry out a specific assignment or activity. Additionally, staff are highly skilled in ICON design and can help maintain an organized course site to facilitate both student and instructor use. You can contact any CLCL staff directly or you can e-mail