Events & Fun Facts!
We at the CLCL are interested in sharing information with you in an efficient, engaging, and convenient way! We know you're not always going to see things on the Events Calendar (though that is a great place to peruse for interesting events!). Because of that, you might be interested in following us on Instagram, where we post about events being held in the CLCL and fun facts about the languages taught in the Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures and spoken by staff of the CLCL!
To follow, click on the Instagram logo to the right!
Music & Culture!
Music is a medium where language and culture really come together, and we are the Center for Language and Culture Learning, after all! With that in mind, we have created some Spotify playlists for different languages taught in the Division! We hope that you enjoy our playlists for social events or studying!
To follow, click on the Spotify logo to the right!